Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Pet Sitting.....

Think that you will be very busy today, long hours with meeting, projects, datelines to meet ect...........Love your pets but just can't be there at this moment. @ Pets Dreamland, we can help lend a hand. We will come over to your place two time (morning & nite) to play, feed, clean, change the paper, fill the bowl with H2O, bring it down for a 10 mins walk/run ect... Each visit is about 45 mins.

Doggy Tag : $30 - $45
: $25 - $40 (PSD Members)

Kitty Tag : $30
: $28 (PSD Members)

** Tags excl Transport charges

1 comment:

alyhariz said...

Uhm, do you pet sit rabbits?